Title: Boy Zorro and the Bully
Author & Illustrator: Kat Aragon & Noel ill
APA Bibliographic Information: Aragon, Kat, and Noel Ill. Boy Zorro and the Bully. Lectura Books, 2014.Genre: Fiction
Lexile: 520L
This book is about a small Latino boy name Benny Lopez who has a dog. Benny loves to help other people he encounters. One example of this would be when he helps the elderly lady cross the road. One day he sees something that isn't right and he knows he has to do something about it. There is a boy who he is getting picked on. He does not know what to do so he goes and finds the principal. The principal then resolves the situation. He was a hero for doing something and not ignoring the situation. It shows students that getting help from an adult or telling on someone who is doing something bad is the right thing to do.
Who Would Enjoy this book? (Targeted Audience) :
This book would be great for bilingual children who are just starting to read books in both languages. It teaches students how they can help their community and how to stand up for those who get bullied. Most authors make the victim the main character but in this case, they make the person who stands up the main character. Students who like books about heroes would really enjoy this book.
Evaluation Of Text:
The text is in two languages so that a child who is learning English or Spanish is able to learn. I would have like to see more dialogue throughout the book. The text is simple which makes it very easy to understand and for students to follow along. The illustrations are very colorful and can be very engaging to foreshadow.
Reader Response Activity:
For this activity, I would create flashcard with diffrent scenerios on a child getting bullied. I would then have the students get in partners and talk about how they would stand up for that child in that specific situation. We would then come back as a whole group and share our scenario and how we would respond. Students will get a chance to learn from each other.
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