Title: Two of a Kind
Author & Illustrator: Jacqui Robbins & Matt Phelan
APA Bibliographic Information: Robbins, J., & Phelan, M. (2009). Two of a kind. New York: Atheneum Books for Young Readers.Genre: Fiction Children's Literature
Lexile: 520L
Two of a Kind is a great book about two girls who go by the name of Kayla and Melanie. They tend to hang out together and bully Julisa and Anna. They take over the jungle gym at recess time and don't allow anyone to go up there with them. During class, they make fun of Julisa and Anna for wearing glasses. This all changes when the teacher makes the girls be partners with each other. Melanie is surprised by Anna's intelligent and decided that she should go up to the jungle gym with them. Julisa is left alone while and this makes her friend Anna feel bad because she can now hear the two other girls making fun of her friend. In the end, she decided to leave the jungle gym and join her friend. She realizes that hanging out with Kayla and Melanie make her feel bad and it's not the kind of friends she is looking for.
Who Would Enjoy this book? (Targeted Audience) :
Young girls who are struggling to make friends would really enjoy this book. The targeted audience would be anyone who is getting bullied for being different or simply for wearing glasses. This book shows the type of friends that you should try to stay away from and how hanging out with bullies is only going to make you feel bad. This would be a perfect book for anyone in Kindergarten to Second grade.
Evaluation Of Text:
I really liked how there the characters were different races and nationalities, this makes it relatable to a bigger group of students. Having said that, I love how the illustrations filled the page and how the characters showed their emotions and set the tone by their facial expressions and body language. There is plenty of dialogue and inner thoughts are shared to help the reader understand the situation. I would have like to see the author elaborate on the title of the book and how it tied in with the whole story. Other than that I really enjoyed the plot.
Reader Response Activity:
I would do a writing activity with my class. Since this is a book showing what a good friend is and how a friend shouldn't be a bully, I would have them write about their best friend. I would ask, "What qualities does your friend have that make him or her your best friend?" and "What qualities would they have to have in order to not make them a friend but rather a bully"?. I would have them write for about 6 minutes and then give them 5 minutes for those children that would like to share what they wrote.
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